Stories @ TCAT

Annual Food Drive Challenge

Each year, TBR sponsors a food drive challenge between institutions!

TCAT-E Hosts K-12 Administrators for Annual Learning Together Day

TCAT-E is happy to host these student-centered and dedicated K-12 administrators as part of the @

TCAT Elizabethton Loves and Appreciates Our Students

It’s fall and for TCAT Elizabethton, that means “Student Appreciation Week”!

Student Appreciation Week

The goblins and ghosts, aka students, are putting final touches on their wardrobe to begin their

TCAT Elizabethton Students Enjoy Dress Up Day as Part of Student Appreciation

Never too old to dress up!

Employer of a Former TCAT Student Makes Significant Donation

A former TCAT Elizabethton welding graduate who is Quality Control Welding inspector for Industri

2022 Faculty and Staff Employees of the Year

Kindness goes a long way! Charlie Phillips, Advanced Manufacturing Technology instructor, an

FAFSA is Now Available for 23-24

FAFSA applications for the 23-24 school year are now available!

Guest Speakers Visit Phlebotomy

Today, Phlebotomy enjoyed two guest speakers (former students currently working in the field).

Connect Leadership Conference Hosted at TCAT Elizabethton

Reprinted courtsey of Johnson City Press, article written by John Thompson
