Stories @ TCAT

We’re saddened to share the passing of TCAT-E family member, Mr. Bob Robinson.

Bob is a 1961 graduate of Elizabethton High School. In 1967, Bob became the first University of Tennessee School of Journalism graduate. In 2001, Bob retired from GTE Corporation.

Since 2004 and up until his passing, Bob has worked part-time for TCAT Elizabethton. In 1963, Bob’s father, State Senator Herman Robinson, was the primary sponsor of legislation to establish vocational technical schools within a 50 mile radius of every residence in Tennessee.

President David Hicks said, “Bob was one of the first people to welcome me to the job almost two years ago. From the beginning, it was evident that Bob genuinely and passionately loved TCAT-E! He has spent countless hours promoting the activities of the college by making sure local media outlets remained aware of the great work of the college.”

TCAT-E is eternally grateful for the difference Bob made especially for the students and families of our communities!

Rest in peace, our friend!